Sunday, March 9, 2008

Random Ruth Ranting

I am so sick of being sick):

Either ways, while I was rotting away in my room trying to not let my fever get me down, I just did some random doodling that I'm just going to put up here ^ ^
And yes, I know it's nothing wonderful, I'm just trying to fill up space here :\

Haha, the pains of being sick.

Anyways, just to update you guys bout the tonsillectomy (cause quite a few of you guys were super nice bout it and caring(: ), it's been postponed AGAIN. So it's not this Tuesday(:
Just got tonsillitis again and an unnaturally bad case of it this time. Bah. But basically, it means that I can't get my tonsils removed when they're actually affected so it's been postponed to late June. So yup! You guys don't need to visit me anytime soon(:

However, I do believe that we're having a class outing soon for Aravind's birthday right? Not so sure bout the details but whoever does, post the details up soon so we can figure it all out(:

And talking bout posting things up, CHARVI, FOR SOMEONE WHO TELLS PEOPLE TO BUG OTHERS BOUT POSTING STUFF, YOU HAVE A TRUCKLOAD OF CLASS STUFF/PHOTOS/VIDEOS IN YOUR PDA THAT HAVE NOT BEEN POSTED UP. Terrible woman. Tsk tsk. Ok ok, but you have lots of stuff to do so don't stress out too much dear(:
Yeah but I think the entire class needs to take action to control Char's workaholic nature before she completely breaks down :\
Ok, but I'm quite happy she's self grounding herself, just hope that it's so she can rest and not work herself to death at home.

Anyways, moving on, the first term's over and there goes 1/8 of our IB life. Which is quite jaw dropping. At the very least, these 10 weeks have been beyond awesome and a pretty good start for the next two years. Though I dare say that the last week has been a real drain on quite a few of us and the sianness level in class has sky rocketed. So yeah, this holiday's come at a good time for lots of us to recharge.

And you know what, this is beyond random but, Pirates of the Carribean is the best movie EVER. Johnny Depp's really cool. *giggles* Ahahahha.
Anyways, I'm off to watch the movie on Channel 5 now(:


P.S. And yeah, just to let you know, I've dropped out of the running for Council(:

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