Friday, March 7, 2008

Carren comments;

No, this isn't going to be a regular column, I think, but it seemed like a good title.

The wombat seems to be more popular than I am :(

Also, it seems to have a lot less stuffing then it did.

You people are vicious huggers.

Jon's right, the class spirit has gone from like WHOA to phwut. If you know what I mean, it's still the awesomenest fuunkadelicest workitworkitest class in the entire level school, 

but the there has been considerably less elevation in the eleveners.

that is, not enough highness!

And Mr Chamola's leaving soon, and it'd be a pity for his last ACSIan memories to be that of deflated eleveners,

so I propose an incentive! and along with it, I appoint myself highness co-ordinator, since it is the spontaneity and awesomecoolbeanitude of you people that gets me through each day.

every month, I shall award a pointelevener the Awesomecoolbeanitude Award, for those sparkly spunky uber-chirpy people that make life in ACSI so much cooler than it is. 

and for that whole next month, that person earns his/herself the right to be addressed as "your HIGH!ness"

yes, i am extremely buzzed and wired at the moment.

so yes, with much love,

resident sunshine kid.

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