Sunday, February 17, 2008

Random Ruth Ranting

Hello all, was about ready to go out of my mind crazy doing biology so I decided to write something random.
Ok not really random this time, it's regarding the class shirt(:
Was just thinking of this design, where like all these significant things are drawn out on the back of the class T and we write our names here there and everywhere.
Like a soccerball, frisbee, Char's PDA, a pooh stuff toy, getting the idea?(:
Yeah maybe we can have a arrow pointing outside the shirt that says "Caroline" cause she's always missing):
Something like thaaaat(:
Ya ya papaya?
It's just an idea at any rate but you guys can like start throwing bout ideas bout what stuff to put in the design.

Hmmm! yeah(:
I think that's all I have to say.
Oh, and that Campbell and Reece are bloody evil for making the softcopy of the book an online thing. Bah Humbug.


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