Monday, August 4, 2008

random ruth ranting returns

Hey all

Haha, it's really nice to see the blog revived, even though on a tad bit of a sour note but more or less it's been pretty good yeaaaahh?
And no, I'm not doing this for Charvi's drink.

Mostly, so I can clear the guilt trip at the back of my head for not uploading stuff like photos and videos ever since may. Hey! If you're really lucky, maybe I'll even upload the video where I almost killed Yi Wei in Thailand with the motorbike, just to show you how sorry I am(:
(and I truly am sorry Yi Wei, I don't know how many lifeyears have I scared out of you): )

Really sorry):

Oh wells, I'm really sorry guys):
But if you're looking for the marshmallow eating competition video, scroll doooowwwnnn.

Okay, now I shall move ooon and upload some WOW photos. Yeah yeah, I know they're uploaded here there and everywhere but this time! TADA! I shall give a commentary on the photos to help us all relive the good memories!(:

First, I shall spam photos of Kimchi, the extremely adorable 2months(I think, or was it 1?) old puppy from some Korean pastor to the school. The cuuuuteeenesss<3

aiyoh, jonny! go and spoil the photo. should just crop out your face. Ohohoho.

Haha, super adorable right?! But I'm kinda scared that we might have poisoned the cute little thing with all the paint on our hands when we carried her (at least, I think it was a a her, or was it a he?)

Moving on!

Pollution makes me angry >:(

Actually, the whole lot of milky dirty water was really gross. Specially when it came to jumping over puddles of it to catch frisbees

The murals!
Mistake: using the wall plaster white paint instead of patiently waiting for the acrylic white paint. Bigggg mistake, took me 40minutes and a scrub that was bigger than my hand to remove all the paint from my feet and hands.

But I guess, I still loved the murals even though they weren't mindblowingly awesome. Sentimental value!

so amused.

and remember how we siao city kids were quite amusing with the train tracks?
we so need to go out of the house more.
Class outing!
Okay not really.

Okay, no more photos, I'm getting tired of uploading them.
Besides, my memories kinda failing me.

Wow was mindblowing in many ways. I guess, yeah, there were a lot of bad things that happened and stuff that seemed atrociously mindwrecking at that point back then but now when I look back, they weren't that bad I guess. There were plenty of good times too yeaaah?
So I guess, it isn't quite fair for us to say that WOW screwed up our class pretty bad.
And even then, it only seemed like the trip screwed up our class cause of all the horrible things that happened within the span of one week but in truth, wasn't a lot of the problems actually already there lying underneath the surface? Just that we never confronted the problems in our class and they happened to erupt in the middle of the trip.

I guess, you know! Instead of sighing and wishing ourselves back to the way things were at the beginning, shouldn't we be learning from our mistakes and confronting the problems we have now? If we all chose to keep quiet and just let everything bubble and boil and fester, won't it just erupt into something much more hideous than it is now?

I guess what I'm trying to say is that, I don't want us to go back to the way things were in the beginning cause it isn't confronting the present and it isn't going to solve any problems that are happening now. It's a hopeless wish and it's my sincere prayer that we can all pull ourselves together to patch this class up.


with all my love to the class that I know is still awesomely wonderful

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